"I need to adapt quicker to stress...working with different horses made me think about my emotions and how I am impacting the situation"

"if you focus on one the horse will stop on that one thing I thought of tunnel vision and worked at not focusing on that object and started looking at the whole picture"

"Learning the different horses' personalities helps remind me that each person, place, and thing are different, no matter how similar they appear"

"Adaptation and staying calm are vital skill sets to learn and keep working on....definitely need to continue practice this skill"

"Both horses and people went form reacting to one another to responding to one another.... We were able to become a team with the horses because trust was established both ways"

"If you are not right then how can others be right...I thought coming to this class it would be easy, I had to work at staying calm for the horses to respond to my group"

"At the start of class horses were wild and stressed, when we calmed down the horses stopped acting wild and stressed...I did not know I was that stressed"

"You can't make a horse do anything until your emotions are under control"

"I can control my emotions but the horses picked up on my emotions even though I thought I had them under control"

"You cannot change someone but you can change how you respond to others...My group had to learn horses are the same way"

"I will reference this training on my calls in the future"

"I will look at my horse differently now from this training...I did not know what an impact I make on my horse"

"This class needs to be part of annual training.....there are officers that need this class but will not take it because they think they do not need it....we all need to check where we are at"

"Horses have taught me if I come into the situation amped up the situation will go south real fast"

"Working with horses has taught me how to recognize my anxiety and adapt to the situation for a better day"

"I have learned that horses react to our emotions and thoughts...this class changed how I see myself and what I do during a stressful situation... horses are a great way to see what you are projecting to the community" 

"The thought of stopping and rethinking a situation was something I did not think possible...The horses reaction and response when I took a step back, in my mind, made me realize this is possible"

"This class is a reenactment of so many classes that try to tell you what you need to experience"

"I thought this would be an easy class to get through....I learned I am not as good at self-control as I thought I was"

"This is a great class to follow up on deescalation training, CIT, biases training,and leadership training....it is experiential training for so many classroom topics"

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